Sunday, April 30, 2017

Why write a blog?

I always wondered for what reason would one write a blog? I'm learning there are many different reasons.

My writing teacher Brian Henry, who is a fountain of information for writer's, writes his blog for us, writers! There's links, tips, tricks, classes, updates on his students, etc.

On of my yoga teachers, Kathy Aruna Santokh Humphreys, informs the yoga world on the benefits of yoga, children's yoga, how to teach children's yoga, shares her experiences be it the ups and downs and so much more!

Some people write a blog for personal use, perhaps a diary.

So why am I joining the world of blogging? This is a more interactive way to share my message with others. And what is my message? Educate, enlighten, empower, support, encourage, and share what matters, love.

There's so many topics to write that it is challenging to know where to start! When I would sit in front of my pre-school children at day care, getting ready to tell them a story, I would often say "How does -the name of the story be it: Mr. Toad and the Volcano, Bunny and the Rocket Ship or The Chocolate Monster, start? And they would all holler "At the beginning!"

So, the beginning for me, how the thought of a business, Mother Nature's Heroes, and now my new blog, began was from a simple thought while hiking at Mountsberg Conservation many years ago. The thought?

Sally the Snake.

For whatever reason, these three words popped into my head which was quite strange as at that point in time, I was afraid of snakes!

And so, many years later, Sally the Snake was created into an early middle grade novel, what will be the first in a series. It is because of her, that telling stories at my day care began. It is because of her my love and passion for wildlife began. And it is because of her Mother Nature's Heroes began.

Yes, I know, my previous post explained how Mother Nature's Heroes began at a creek watching my pre-schoolers play. However had I never developed the love of animals or storytelling or the desire to teach children how precious life is, all life, none of this would be happening now.

This is why I'm writing a blog, because we all have something to share. We all have something to learn from one another.

And all of this matters. This matters because children matter. This matters because Mother Nature matters. This matters because we matter.

We are all Mother Nature's Heroes, all deserving of life, together.

Friday, April 28, 2017

The Birth of Mother Nature's Heroes Family

Welcome to the birth of Mother Nature's Heroes -Family

Hello all! What an interesting day this has been! From contacting "those in the know" about setting up a blog, to deciding the best name -so fitting, to designing and creating my first blog. And why decide to do something like this? To reach out to more people, post recent information about a variety of topics instead of constantly editing Mother Nature's Heroes website. And most importantly to give young people a place to learn, comment and express their interests.

So, let's begin!

Many people, upon hearing the name "Mother Nature's Heroes", wondered where it came from. On the website, we do explain a bit about this. Here I will explain a bit more.

Over the years I have seen and heard, as many of us have, children being aggressive towards one another, using hurtful language, and being downright mean. When questioned the answer usually was one of "she/he did it first" or "I don't know". Obviously this is a general response, fill in the blanks with your experience. Nevertheless, upon introducing animals to young children, I saw love, smiles, and always the: "I have a cat/dog/hamster..." and giggling, excitement and simply put: happiness.

With the opportunity to work in day cares, I began to educate about wildlife. I showed my pre-schoolers pictures of the birds of prey that I had worked with, pictures of wildlife taken over the years and introduced them to a livecam of wildlife where they were able to watch Polar bears, Brown bears, Giraffe, Hippos, Leopards, Beluga whales and more on a laptop. The expressions on their faces were priceless.

Then the stories began about animals in the circus, or how they rode an elephant, etc. and needless to say they didn't like hearing how some people take these creatures from their homes and are mean to them. This was a delicate conversation as explaining to 3 and a half year olds how horribly mean humans are to animals isn't easy. Much was simplified.

During their outdoor play we would go to the creek near the day care. Here they would play Superheroes. While I personally love the genre, Jean Grey, Wolverine, Iron Man... I wasn't willing to support this kind of expression. Superheroes, while they rescue people, have super powers and more, are also aggressive. Yes, this goes with the territory. However not in my territory of young children.

As we were learning about Mother Nature, and her family -decomposing wood, not to break branches, leave Mother Nature alone, protect her, pollution, littering, etc., and knowing the children's interest in Superheroes, why not put the two together? What about Mother Nature's Heroes?

They chose an animal, however more often that not, I did as at this age many are unfamiliar with many species. They pretended to be this animal and ran through the trees, growling, howling, roaring and bellowing, saving their animal friends from cages and taking them to sanctuaries, rescue sites or if able, back to their homes.

Yes, the children learned about imprinting, and if an animal can be returned to the wild.

Upon their day care graduation, when asked what they wanted to be when they grew up, many said they wanted to save the birds of prey, big cats, sharks, be a vet... A little blonde girl said she wants to save the Polar Bears with Elsa so Elsa can freeze the ice.

And it is because of these children that Mother Nature's Heroes, and Family, was born.

Chocolate milk, nachos and guacamole

Warning: Graphic content. Previously published in the online magazine, Near to the Knuckle in 2014 , this short story is what ha...